National Grump Out Day sounds like a day when you should be grumpy. Wrong! It’s actually the opposite. According to “it’s a day to focus on humor, self-awareness, and positive behaviors to lighten up the seriousness and stresses of the world for 24 hours.”


The celebration was started by author and speaker, Janice A. Hathy. She presents programs on stress reduction and insight into improving mental, physical and emotional health.


If you’re grumpy most of the time, there may be a reason. Here are some things that might cause grumpiness: Hormone cycles, too much caffeine, low vitamin B, anemia, swings in blood sugar, hyper and hypothyroid conditions. OR, maybe you’re just a naturally grumpy person!


Whatever the case, take the opportunity today to rid yourself of the grumps. Set a goal to smile at every person you meet. Say something nice to the person who checks you out at the grocery store, pharmacy, etc. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Do some bird watching. Nothing cheers me more than to take time to appreciate nature!


Here are some cartoons to get you started on that smile.


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