Looking for some great children’s books? Well, here you go!!! Lovely artwork and fabulous rhymes for kids! Thanks, BobbiCat for taking part in my Five on Friday!

Bio BC copy If you could snap your fingers and make one thing happen…what would it be?

I would snap my fingers and every child would get a chance to read a BobbiCat Book.

 Top three things on my bucket list.

Make sure BobbiCat Books are the best on the market.

I’ve done everything I ever wanted to so I dream up new wants everyday.

Put a smile on the face of everyone I meet.


Do I have a secret?

Doesn’t everybody? Sure, I do.

 Do I write in silence or listen to music.

I listen to music…always.

 Best advice BobbiCat can give a new writer.

Write every day, attend workshops, critique groups, and join writing clubs, and write, write, write.


BobbiCat has numerous books (some pictured below) available on Amazon at this link:



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