Okay, so I’ve been working on a cookbook for months now, one that features only desserts. Since my novels include a bakery…Sweet Thangs, I thought a cookbook would be a fantastic companion and a great marketing tool.

There is just one negative to my madness. In order to do the cookbook, I must actually bake each item and then photograph them. Then, you know what happens to all those sweets? I eat them.

Some weeks I bake six different things. I’m talking pralines, peanut patties, fudge, cakes, cookies, sweet breads, and the list goes on and on.

Needless to say, I’ve gained fifteen pounds, so a diet seemed in order. I’ve started one each week for the last month and so far, I’ve loss four pounds and gained six!

Tonight, in place of eating cookies, I decided on a Dannon Fit & Light yogurt single serve, only 80 calories. I don’t really like them plain and that has more to do with the consistency than the taste. I don’t like pudding, custard, or jello. I don’t like the feel of it in my mouth.

I like crunchy stuff, so I added some granola to it. Not bad, but still needed something. I sprinkled it with cinnamon. Better, but not exactly what I was craving. I chopped up a few pecans and mixed them in. Even better, but still not a winner. I squirted a little chocolate syrup on it and voila! Just right.

Now, reckon why I’m not losing weight? I’d been better off eating a couple of Golden Oreos and would have been much happier.

Oh well, Monday is coming up and I can start all over again!!



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