All About Ann

A fifth-generation Texan, Ann Everett speaks fluent twang. Growing up in a town with barely 300 people, she literally thought the world stopped at the city limits and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. She brings that background to her Texas romances, where the women are sassy enough to say what they want, and the men are panty-melting hot with a strong dose of southern charm.
My Story
Passion by Chance
I never planned to write books. But I’d always been told I had the gift of gab so when an uncle suggested I put pen to paper after “gabbing” about an incident in the cemetery, I thought… why not?
My plan was to write short stories and enter contests. I started my first tale never dreaming of getting published. Before I knew it, I had over 25,000 words and wasn’t finished. Apparently, my gift of gab translated to the written page!
I joined a writing website for critique, and one of my readers recommended I submit my book to a small press publisher in her area. On a whim, under my pen name, I did.
Later that night, my phone rang, and a man on the other end said, “Ann?” It never occurred to me that I would hear from those folks so I responded, “You must have the wrong number.” He replied, “You’re not Ann Everett, the author?” My voice rose several pitches. “Yes, yes, I am. It’s just no one has ever called me that!”
I can’t believe I’ve slept with so many men! Okay, in fiction, that’s what we call a hook, just to keep you reading! Now that I have your interest again… on with the story. The small press publisher wanted my first novel, Laid Out and Candle Lit. Since I had an idea for two more books using the same characters, I signed a three-year contract.
What I learned during those years led me to the decision not to renew my contract when it ended. But I am forever thankful for the experience. I reclaimed the rights of the two books they’d published, and along with three more I’d written, I jumped feet first into self-publishing.
I’m sincerely grateful for the support and kind words I get from readers. Even though my writing career happened by chance, it has become one of my greatest passions.
I love hearing from readers and personally answer every email. I’m active on social media so I invite you to join me. You can sign up for my newsletter right here.
I’ve won awards, but I know you’d much rather hear the juicy stuff, so here it is. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, love shopping at thrift stores, don’t remember my first kiss, and hate talking on the phone. A really sharp pencil makes me happy. I secretly want to get a tattoo, think everyone should own a pair of cowboy boots, and I’m eternally thankful that wrinkles aren’t painful.
My Media
For information on Ann Everett’s features and her biography, visit her media page: Ann Everett Media
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{I hope you enjoy this sweet, short-story romance!}